Epiphany of Dreams

"Every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colours fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake..
I think of the world could be 
The vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take,
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make......"

Have you ever heard this heartening song from the movie The Greatest Showman? Are you too , the one, carving a million of beautiful dreams in your heart? 
But are your dreams getting fulfilled? 

"DREAMS"....... I am not talking about the fantasy you see in your sleep but the reverie that you have in your mind which is associated with you in your life. Let us not get deep  into its scientific meaning but its philosophical meaning. Dreams are your own personal calling, it is the vision that you seek out in your life, it is the making of a treasure map which will lead you to your treasure that long awaits in your heart. And when you are able to find out your treasure.......this is known as success. 

Everyone has their own dreams ( or rather visions) in their life but not all of them are able to fulfill their reverie. Well, then how are the other half able to fulfill their dreams? What is the secret of their success? 
According to Paulo Coelho, the author of the famous best seller book - The Alchemist, The main secret of success is nothing but the being aware of our own dreams and the gut to fulfill those dreams. He  says that there are 4 main obstacles that can hinder our dreams.

   The first one is that we  are  told  from  childhood onward  that  everything  we  want  to  do  is  impossible. If we confront to our dreams with the others then they say everything that discourages us ."Oh! Why that dream? " "Do you think  you will be able to do this?" " This is not a perfect dream for you. " "Find another." We grow  up with  these  idea,  and  as  the  years  accumulate,  the  layers  of prejudice,  fear,  and  guilt starts to sprout.  There  comes  a time  when  our  personal calling  is  so  deeply  buried  in  our  soul  as  to  be  invisible.  But  it’s  still inside of us. Just like a mouse in its home......
   The Second one is that we are afraid of hurting the ones that mean a lot to us. i.e. We  know  what  we  want  to  do,  but  are afraid  of  hurting  those around  us  by leaving everything  in order  to  pursue  our  dream.  We  do  not  realize that they are not those who will  prevent  us from  going  forward but those  who always wish  us  well and want  us  to be happy  and are  prepared  to accompany  us  on that  journey. 
    The third one is the fear of defeats . We know that we are heading towards the right path and the dreams are about to be fulfilled but suddenly we become aware of those who , like us , too followed their dreams but were unable to fulfill it. This fear rises in such a way that we fall into the old excuse like----- "Never mind ...there are other dreams too." " I am not good enough for this dream. " " Well, I don't want it anyway....." We know that we want that particular dreams and we know that we have strived our best to do this; We had worked day and night for that dream and our heart wants it really but still the fear of defeats overtakes the love of our dreams
   The fourth one is the most dangerous obstacles like silent killer. It is the phobia of realizing that we are not perfect for that dream even though we have achieved it. This is the most dangerous feeling as   possibility  of  getting  what we want fills  the soul of  us with  guilt.  We look around  at  all  those  who have  failed  to  get  what  they  wan  and feel that we do not deserve  to get what we want either. We forget  about all the obstacles we overcame,  all  the  suffering  we  endured, all  the  things  and people we  had  to  give up in our journey so far.

Once  we  have  overcomed the obstacles and fulfill our dreams ,we get filled by a greater sense of euphoria  and  confidence. We realize that we are proving ourselves that we are  worthy  of every miracles of life.  Each day, each  hour, becomes filled with a new hope .  We  start  to  live  with  enthusiasm  and  pleasure.  Intense, unexpected suffering  passes more quickly . Your main aim is to believe that you are enough to fulfill your inner calling. Defeats will certainly happen but still we have fight for our dreams............Always remember "The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times."


            ✌😊😊😊THANK YOU😊😊😊✌


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